Birthday Gift

To celebrate your special day, Blazing Lotus would like to offer you a free luxury enhancement!

Your choice of one of the follow:

  • Coconut Scalp Massage
  • Salt Foot Scrub
  • Dry Skin Brushing
  • Muscle Rescue

Your free luxury enhancement must be booked on a 60, 90, or 120 minute Integrative Massage or Signature Massage.

*This offer is for established clients only. It can be redeemed on the date of your birthday and up to 30 days following. 

Getting Started is Easy

Pick Free Enhancement

Every massage includes one free enhancement. Choose from hot stones, hot towels or aromatherapy. (Choosing a signature massage includes all 3 enhancements, one still being free.)

Book Appointment

Booking an appointment is made easy by either booking online anytime from anywhere, or calling our establishment at 828-252-7827.

Client Agreement Form

The clent agreement form can be completed either online or once you show up. If in-house, please show up 5-10 minutes early. This only needs to be filled out once.